Welcome to JB Martial Arts
Martial Arts are unique in that there are a variety of styles and manners in which it can be taught. We at JB Martial Arts Studio teach with a traditional background through teaching Authentic Korean & Japanese Forms, Basics, & Self-Defense. However, we also have an American flair in our style in that we teach it as a sport as well as an art while combining other arts.

        Orangeburg Studio
  965 Summers Avenue                                   
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(803) 997-08JB
JB Martial Arts Studio is family-owned and operated in Orangeburg, SC. Since opening in 2002, we’ve treated every customer like they were a part of our family. Other companies may offer similar services, but our services come with a personal touch. JB Martial Arts encompass a total approach of mental discipline, physical conditioning and responsible actions. Martial Arts training is a lifetime fitness activity which improves defensive skills, flexibility, cardiovascular fithness and muscular strength.